- Medium sized, slender songbird, long tail, straight bill, long legs
- Small black cap, blackish tail, brown patch under the tail, rest of the body is gray.
- Secretive but energetic, males sing on top of shrubs and small trees
- They prefer to fly quickly over vegetation, staying close to the ground, instead of flying across open areas
- Habitat: Can be found in dense tangles of shrubs, streamside thickets, old fields and fence rows.
- Local Sightings: Can be seen at the Cynwyd heritage Trail, W. Laurel Hill Cemetery and Shortridge Memorial Park
Category: Backyard Birds
Tufted Titmouse
- Large head and eyes, thick neck, short stout bill
- Soft silvery gray on top, white below, peach color on the flanks and has a black patch above the bill
- Acrobatic, often flock with chickadees, nuthatches and woodpecker at the feeders
- Habitat: Can be found in most eastern woodlands below 2,000 feet, they can be found in evergreen and deciduous forests, common visitor of feeders
- Local Sightings: Cynwyd Heritage Trail, West Laurel Hill Cemetery and Shortridge Memorial Park
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
- Small hummingbird, slightly down curved slender bill, short wings
- Bright emerald green on the back, gray-white underparts
- Males have bright red throat
- Can fly straight and fast, can hover in one place
- Often visit Hummingbird feeders and tube shaped flowers
- Habitat: Woodlands, forest edges, meadows, grasslands, parks and gardens.
- Local Sightings: Cynwyd Heritage Trail, West Laurel Hill Cemetery and Shortridge Memorial Park
White-throated Sparrow
- Large Sparrow, prominent bill, round head, long tail and legs
- Brown back, gray below, black and white striped head. White throat and yellow between the bill and eyes
- Tends to stay close to the ground looking for food, they can be in bushes in the spring eating buds
- Habitat: Woods, large woodland edges, pond and bog edges and woodsy suburbs
- Local Sightings: Cynwyd Heritage Trail, West Laurel Hill Cemetery and Shortridge Memorial Park
American Goldfinch
- Small Finch, small head, long wings, short tail
- Males: in spring are bright yellow, black forehead and wings, with white markings, white patches on the tail
- Females: duller yellow beneath, olive color on top
- Very acrobatic, they cling to weeds
- Fly with a bouncy pattern
- Habitat: Weedy fields and floodplains, live near thistles and asters
- Local Sightings: Cynwyd Heritage Trail, West Laurel Hill Cemetery and Shortridge Memorial Park
Brown-headed Cowbird
- Stocky blackbird, short tail, thick head
- Male: Glossy black plumage, brown head
- Female: Plain brown, lighter on the head and underparts, streaking on the belly, dark eyes
- Feeds on the ground in various groups of blackbirds and starlings
- Males: Strut in open lawns looking for mates
- Females: Creep in the woodland looking for nests
- Very noisy, can make a variety of noises, clicks, whistles.
- Habitat: Open fields, pastures, meadows, forest edges
- Local Sightings: Cynwyd Heritage Trail, West Laurel Hill Cemetery and Shortridge Memorial Park
White Breasted nuthatch
- Largest Nuthatch, large head and stout neck
- Gray blue back, white face and under parts, lower belly and under the tail are chestnut
- Black or gray cap makes this bird look like it is wearing a hood
- Agile birds, they turn sideways as well as upside down on trunks as they forage
- Habitat: Woodland, deciduous trees, and can be found in some coniferous trees
- Local Sightings: Cynwyd Heritage Trail, West Laurel Hill Cemetery and Shortridge Memorial Park
American Robin
Red-winged Blackbird
- Stocky, broad bird, slender bill
- Male: Glossy black, red-yellow shoulder bands
- Female: Streaked with brown, pale breast, white eyebrow
- Males will do anything for attention
- Females slink in the shadows looking for food and making nests
- Habitat: Lives in saltwater marshes, water courses
- Local Sightings: Bryn Mawr, Rosemont