Harriton Preserve Restoration
The Conservancy recently received a Growing Greener Plus grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to expand and restore habitat at the Preserve at Harriton, in partnership with the Friends of Harriton Preserve (FHP) and Lower Merion Township (LMT). The Preserve at Harriton is an 8.9-acre parcel within Harriton… Read more

Cynwyd Heritage Trail Wildlife Habitat Expansion
In 2020, the Conservancy received a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to improve stormwater management, restore wildlife habitat, and improve recreational access on the Cynwyd Heritage Trail and along sections of Vine Creek. During heavy rain storms, water rips down sections of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail, forcing… Read more

Delmont Avenue Green Street
The Conservancy is working with the residents of Delmont Avenue in Ardmore to plant native plants, de-pave, establish rain gardens, redirect piped downspouts, and install flow through planters, all to slow down stormwater. The efforts on Delmont Ave. are an expansion of the Stream Smart program. After the initial success… Read more